Diabetes and Your Feet

Why Proper Diabetic Wound Care is Vital for Your Health

Diabetes can have a profound impact on the body, and one area of concern for many people with this condition is wound care. If you have diabetes, you may be at a higher risk for developing wounds or infections that can be challenging to treat. Proper wound care is critical, as it can prevent serious complications and keep you healthy. This blog post will explore the importance of diabetic wound care and provide tips for managing wounds effectively.   Read More...

Caring For Your Feet As A Diabetic: 5 Top Tips

When you have diabetes, the circulation to your feet is limited. This leads to slow wound healing and an increased risk of infection. As such, it is really important that anyone with diabetes takes excellent care of their feet in order to reduce the risk of injury and make sure any injuries are diagnosed promptly. Here are some more specific tips to help you in that regard. Wash your feet every day.   Read More...

4 Effective Treatment Options for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fascia comprises a tissue found on your foot's base. The tissue may become inflamed, on-setting plantar fasciitis. The condition causes varying degrees of heel or arch pain, which can hinder everyday activities like walking and running. Risk factors associated with the disease include being obese, being aged 40 and above, unusual walking styles, standing for long hours every day, having flat feet or high arches, and wearing high heels for prolonged times.   Read More...

What Causes Osteomyelitis In The Foot And Treatments A Podiatrist Might Recommend

Foot complications are a common side effect of diabetes. Because of poor circulation and nerve damage, it's easy to injure your foot and for the injury to become infected and difficult to heal. It's even possible for a foot infection to spread to a bone in your foot. This condition is called osteomyelitis, and it's a leading cause of foot amputations. Here's a look at what causes foot osteomyelitis, how it's diagnosed, and treatments your podiatrist might recommend.   Read More...

Stretching And Anti-Inflammatory Medications Are Plantar Fasciitis Treatments That Control Your Pain

Plantar fasciitis can make your life complicated due to the pain it causes in the heel of your foot. The plantar fascia runs along the bottom of your foot, so when it is inflamed, you could have pain from your heel to your toes. However, the pain in your heel could be the most troublesome and cause you to seek treatment from a podiatrist. Here are some plantar fasciitis treatments they might recommend.   Read More...